Roads & Highways
Our company can equip multi-discipline teams for design and analysis of roads, bridges, tunnels, drainage systems, subsurface utilities, and more. Your work, and the deliverables from your supply chain, can be managed in a collaborative project environment. To maintain an accurate as-built record, our reality modeling solution allows you to leverage LiDAR surveys or to rapidly create detailed and precise geometry from digital photos.
Water Waste Management
Our water, wastewater, and storm water solutions help you manage the entire urban water lifecycle. Optimize designs, manage leaks, prioritize investments, manage energy consumption, maintain assets, enhance operational workflows, and provide predictive analytics for better decision making with this software. The provided solutions benefit from the tight integration with design and modeling, and provides capabilities for network modeling, operational modeling, GIS, asset performance, and asset lifecycle management.
Process Manufacturing
The solutions of process manufacturing infrastructure regarding asset performance and asset lifecycle information management align with ISO standard 55001 and provide you with the configuration and change management tools to support reliability-centered maintenance, implement asset performance strategies, and ensure regulatory compliance.
Rail & Transit
With solutions that span the entire rail asset lifecycle, Bentley is a proven and trusted partner to the world’s railway community. Our solutions support BIM processes that streamline design and collaboration, ensure effective project delivery, and enable informed decision-making during operation.
Power Genetration
Coordinate capital projects and revamps, whether managed directly or through contractors, with solutions for multi-discipline design and analysis and project collaboration. You will bring new plants into production more quickly and manage revamps with confidence. As the owner-operator of power generation facilities, your plants and supporting infrastructure are critical to your success. Our solutions span the entire asset lifecycle from design through construction and into operations.
Electric & Gas Utilities
Companies of Public and Private Sector that operates electric and gas utilities need to federate information, currently isolated in disconnected engineering, operations, and IT systems to better support planning, design, operations, and maintenance. DG-Soft can provide solutions for data-driven grid operations and information sharing applications creating a collaborative environment where trusted information can be used by multiple stakeholders.
New capital projects face greater scrutiny in recent years, which demands continues optimization and infrastructure development as you work to extract the target mineral or ore. Bentley solutions support engineering and planning, and help you to create and manage accurate, spatially enabled digital data for your mine and its supporting infrastructure. You will benefit from the latest technologies including laser scanning, UAVs, reality modeling, and more.